Thursday 17 October 2013

Kate morris!

Kate Moross is a london based designer and illustator.
She has a fascination with three sided shapes, illegible typography, and freeform lettering.
I really like Kate moross's work because it is very modorn and most of her work is simple, she used simple colours that go well together, e.g black and white, red and white.
I love the simplicity of all of her logo's. She used funky text, however still makes sure that it is easy to read and can be recognised. I like how for the record complay one she has used a font that reminds me of the Gun's n' Roses album, she has also kerned the letters so that they are quite far apart to cover more space, however there is still a lot of white space that has been left. I also like how she used some photography, however most of it looks hand drawn/painted/computerised.
I think something like this is what the college refectory needs, a simple yet effective logo and branding, because the refectory uses so many colours in the interior design, it needs a logo that isn't colourful otherwise the logo will not stand out and will most likely not be seen.

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