Tuesday 15 October 2013

Eatery interior design

 'Cocotte' presents a gritty interior design. Their aim was a communal-restaurant-bar, that aims to bring people together (friends and family), their interior design is meant to give off a warm rustic vibe.

I really like the design for this eatery because it is friendly and i love the rusticness, with the colour of the walls and the low lighting. I also really like their logo because it fits perfectly with the interior design, it almost looks a bit distorted and the font is really easy to read. It has primary coloured chairs like in our refectory so i could blend the two ideas, by having the refectories design being so colourful, i think the signage and menu's need to be simple and would be nice if they were rustic like the style of this cafe because i think it can reach out to the target audience of young adults and staff.


 "Amici" are an italian type of restaurant/cafe. Their aims are fresh quality food and a friendly atmosphere at the same time. 
I think this cafe is mainly aimed at the older generation, because younger people maybe wouldn't be able to afford to eat here because it is more of a restaurant. 
However, i really like the interior design because it is so simple, and unlike most it does look really friendly! I like the natural tones of green against the wooden tables, and the white walls to make the logo stand out, so for our refectory design i need to consider the red wall colour and what colour scheme i can use to the same effect.
I really like the red and green colours they have used, it seems very italian because of the colours in the italian flag and is basic but really eye-catching, i don't like the font though as i think it has too much around the text (swirls and swoosh of paint) and doesn't really fit in with the target audience/simplicity of the interior design, therefore with this in mind, i plan to keep my logo simple.


 Starbucks design goals:
Across the world the store designs are rooted in the coffee heritage, and in their community involvement and environmental responsibility goals. So their designs reflect the character of a store’s surrounding neighbourhood and help reduce environmental impacts. As the stores are built and renovated, they source materials and employ craftsmen on a local basis. They also incorporate reused and recycled elements where possible.

"Our new approach to store design means that our designers are looking at each store individually to ensure that it looks distinctively local. This represents a new level of coffeehouse comfort, meaning that no two Starbucks will ever be entirely the same."
  • Heritage coffeehouses reflect the merchant trading roots of our first store in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market with worn wood, stained concrete or tiled floors, metal stools and factory-inspired lighting. Large community tables, club chairs and wooden blinds evoke a turn-of-the-last-century feeling. 
  • Artisan stores echo the industrial past of urban markets, taking inspiration from the Modernism of the 1930s. This motif celebrates simple materials like exposed steel beams, masonry walls, factory casement glass and hand-polished woodwork in a creative gathering place for culture and the arts.
  • Regional Modern embodies a trend-setting style that is comfortable and welcoming. We use bright, loft-like, light-filled spaces punctuated with regionally inspired furniture and culturally relevant fabrics to create a calm and contemporary respite from the clamour of the fast-paced world.     
I really like the layout and interior design of Starbucks because it gives the effect of being enviromentally friendly, and you can tell this from the packaging and all the greens and browns that they use within the shop. I like how the menu's are on chalboards at the back of the counter, this makes them easy to see and gives it a friendly cafe feel, maybe i could use something like this for the refectory?
I also like how they don't really have a target audience, the shop attracts all different kinds of people as it is very neutral and has a really friendly atmosphere with great produce. 


1 comment:

  1. Very thorough annotations that link well to the brief given, various pieces of research from several cafes and restaurants!
