Thursday 5 December 2013

Robert Brownjohn

I like this because the type is so easy to read as it is in capital letters and has been kerned quite a lot. It has been centered and this makes it easy to the eye. I like how this photograph has been taken to make it look like someone has ignored the sign because of the bottle, i also like how the image is slightly slanted and taken from a person standing over it’s view point.

I like the way that the type has been set out here, the first word has been made italic and in the second word the letters have been made to like they are distorted/falling, with the third word having not been touched. They have also used a serif’d font to make it look appealing to the audience. I like this because it is interesting and makes it less bland to look at, it catches your eye and makes you want to read it because there are different types of typography all in one sentence. I like how this image has been taken to really emphasise the typography, if they wanted to show off the shop they would of moved the lens down, however this image really focus’s on the name of the shop.

I really love how this typography is sketchy, and looks handwritten. It has also been made to look like someone has drawn it on the window with their fingers because of the dirt and this reflects the name. I like the way this image has been taken at a slant to make it look quite grungy and not perfectly done as the name is ‘dirty’ the photography kind of emphasizes this.

This makes good street signage due to the easy to read font and how it is all in capitals. It has been nicely centered with white text on a black background, which makes it easy to read.  I like how the photography is mainly about the signage, with the wall behind it gives it a sense of depth.

This signage is also very easy to read because it has been done in capital letters with just the right amount of kerning
and it has been well aligned to fit on the sign. I like the angle that this shot has been taken in because it kind of looks like you’re about to go down the street/look down it. It has an E.II at the end, i’m not sure why it has this but it might be part of the postcode.
I really like the typography on this, i love how it has serif’d but it has been done differently and it looks really nice because of the decorative script style font. I like how they have aligned it so that the words aren’t on just one line, putting them on two lines makes them alot easier to read and makes it easier for them to sit in such a small place. I also like how it looks a bit like handwriting, it has been cleverly done to look like this however still looks sophisticated. I also like how they have used the tail of the ‘g’ to make it looks like it is underlining the text.

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