Wednesday 18 December 2013

Manipulating my images

 For this image, i made it black and white using photoshop. I changed the vibrance and the opacity to make it look a bit spooky/eary.
 I did the same with this image, however i turned the contrast down because otherwise the wall behind went completely white and you couldn't see the texture of the bricks.
I made this image black and white and turned the contrast up. I also changed the hue/saturation to make the background a darker colour to bring out the white behind the type, which brings your eye from the brick wall to the type.
 For this image i made it black and white, then using the blur tool to blur out the background, i did this because it is an important sign and i wanted it to stand out.
 I used the selection tool to selected the LU5 part of the image to keep it in colour, i then changed the background to black and white because it gives it a more grungy/dirty feel like Brownjohns work.
 For this image i also changed it to black and white, made the vibrance higher and slightly blurred the background out because i wanted to hi light the importance of the sign and make it stand out.
 I changed this image to black and white and changed the vibrance and hue/saturation because i wanted to give it a representation of an old Robert Brownjohn feel.
 I made this image brighter and slightly blurred the background.
 I changed this image to black and white and turned the vibrance up.
 For this image i simply just blurred the background.

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