Monday 2 December 2013


Overall, I liked my final pieces; I think they look sophisticated yet simple and are aimed well at a ranged target audiance because of the simple colour scheme of black and white, with the added red and grey's that are subtle and go with the underground logo. I used the typeface 'Rockwell' in bold for the name and Rockwell itallic for the smaller parts of information. I chose to use this font because it is easy to read, it's san serif so it gives out a formal feel as i am designing for a museum and it will be easy to print because its bold and has a stroke of 2 to make it stand out. I think my posters are well thought out and well set out, the illustrations in both are the main focus so i have made them large and centred them. I made sure that I did alot of layouts before designing my posters so that i knew exactly what to do and how to do it, this meant that i didn't have to rush them and i had plenty of time to changes if i thought nessescary.
I found it quite difficult as i had not designed any posters before, however i did alot of research and looked at lot's of artists of influence and i am really pleased with my final result. My digital image was made by drawing it out, scanning it and playing around with colours/fonts/effects to make it look sleek and like a real poster for an exhibition.
I looked at quite a few artists that really inspired me, including Jasper Goodall, who gave me the idea of using shapes and images inside of them with different effects added, and i also looked at Billie Jean, who's work really inspired me as he uses type inside of type yet it is still clear, eye-catching and easy to read. Another artist i looked at was Syd Barak, who's old and new style of digital illustration really caught my eye and i took some of his ideas into my own work by mixing fashion in with type and making it look old and new at the same time, giving it a simple black and white colour scheme, however still having bright vibrant colours to show the new and what the exhibition portrays.
If I were to do it again, I would take more care in getting all my final pieces finished to a high standard, because I took so much time working on the layouts and my ideas I didn’t have a lot of time to work on my final pieces, however I am quite happy with them. Overall, I think my designs meet the guidelines i were given and I have took into consideration all the beneficial factors. I think my designs are innative and simple and i think i mixed the whole 80's theme in with fashion and typography really well.

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