Thursday 5 December 2013

London Typographica

"London Typographica is aimed at type and lettering enthusiasts in London. Our aim is to photographically record publicly available lettering and type throughout the capital. London is an ever changing city, and we are losing many examples of its typographic history. London Typographica is here to try and document this, all in one place." I think this might of been inspired by Brownjohn's work due to the fact that they have used different typefaces in one sentence just like he did with his shop sign for 'The Vitners Liqueurs'.
I really like the graffiti typography, it's really eye catching even though its in white, the black outline makes it looks 3D and interesting. I love how the main words are in bold capital letters and the rest have been made smaller and been put in a different font, it gives it depth and draws your eye to it. I also find that when reading a sentence on a building, you get bored after a while and don't want to finish reading, however this makes you want to carry on reading it because of the different sizes and fonts.

I like this typography because it's in a very informal font, it has been centered quite far apart, which makes the types meaning stand out and it separates the words. It reminds me of Robert brownjohns 'No Parking' because of the way that it looks, however a different sans serif font has been used, it also has quite a thick stroke so that it is easy to read and bold.

 I really like this Graffiti because it's been done in a 'bubble writing' style. It looks 3D and stands out with the white/black against the blue background. I also like how some of the lettering overlap, this gives it a cosy feel somehow, like the town is quite friendly? This may have been inspired by Brownjohn's 'Dirty dirt' piece of work, because it has been done by hand and is there to send out a message.

I like this type because it has been placed where it is quite hidden and they have used a colour that blends in with the surroundings although it draws your eye to it because of the bold, thick stroked font that has been distorted slightly to look like it is slanted and also i love how the type has been made so that each letter gets bigger each time however it still looks neat and pleasing to the eye.

I like this typography because it fits the name well because the script style font gives an elegant feel. I like how even though the font has got a lot going on, i think they have used a bold font to make it stand out and still easy to read from a distance.

I think this type has been inspired by Brownjohn's work because it has been hand drawn and so looks quite messy, however it sends out a message. 

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