Tuesday 4 March 2014


Don't let Dunstable die.

What is your gender?
Male          Female          Other/Don't want to answer

What age group do you fit into?
10-20          21-30          31-45          46-59          60+          Do not want to answer

Do you live in Bedfordshire?
Yes          No

Do you live in Dunstable?
Yes          No

Do you visit Dunstable often?
Not often          Sometimes          Very often

What brings you to Dunstable?
Studies          Work          Social life          Leisure

Do you think Dunstable is a successful town?
No          Satisfactory          Yes

Where do you visit in Dunstable?
The Quadrant          Supermarket          Retail park          Grove          Sport          Other (please specify)

What improvements would you like to see in Dunstable? (Can tick more than one)
Childrens activities          Teen activities          Nightlife          Nature          Restaurants

Would you visit Dunstable more often if the suggestions above were readily available?
Yes          No

Do you use online shopping more than visiting the shops?
Yes          No

What advertising techniques would catch your attention?
Leaflets/flyers          Social networking          Email          Posters/billboards          Websites          

Newspapers/Magazines          Tv ads

Would you respond to a viral advertisment/promotion with regards to improving your local community: Dunstable?
Yes          No          Possibly

Thank you very much for answering our questionnaire.          

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