Monday 31 March 2014

Lady from 'Don't let Dunstable Die' campaign.

We met one of the people from the 'Don't let Dunstable Die' campaign.

She came in to give us a better idea of what our motion graphics needs to include and what it will be about and what she is really looking for to help 'sell' Dunstable.

The main points that she gave were:

  • make it positive, a positive outlook on dunstable. 
  • make it upbeat and happy for people to watch
  • keep it modern, something that will catch peoples eyes
  • aim it at the young children, teenagers, family, couples and also elderly people.
  • dont include anything about empty shops, this could be negative
  • show that there are things for people of all ages to do in dunstable 
  • free parking after 10pm
So overall she wants is too keep it very positive and make duntable appealing to increase footfall in the town.

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