Thursday 6 March 2014

Motion Graphics description and artist influences.

Motion Graphics
Motion Graphics is video animation used to create the illusion of motion or rotation and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects.

Motion Graphic designers that i looked at:

Simon Tibbs.
(London Locals)

I really like the drawings including the animation used as it makes them come alive and makes you want to watch more and see what is happening. I like the transitions as they are smooth and not too complicated so that your eye is not confused. I think that it is aimed at older children because of the informal feel although it is still fun and informative.

Andrew Gill

I like this motion graphic piece because it used shapes (it's very symmetrical). I also like how it is all centred and informative which makes you want to keep watching. Some people may think that it is a boring subject however on each different animation there was something new and fun but still very informative and it

Matthew Divito

I like the way that the triangle in this animation has been made to look like it's smoking as this gives it an eeeary effect. I also like the colours that have been used because they stand out from each other.

I like how this animation merges and then separates, i also like how the colours look like they blend together which makes the animation seem smooth and it flows well.

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