Wednesday 15 January 2014

Endangered species leaflets

 I like this leaflet because of the bright colours that have been used, however there is still a lot of white space for the text. I also like how the image of the reptile is stretched over the 3 pages. If i was to change this leaflet, i would change the type as i think it is boring and not very eye-catching, it doesn't draw people in.
 I really like this leaflet because of the use of imagery, they have taken the colours from the image and used them in the leaflet, there is a lot of white space left and the text has been aligned nicely, it looks formal but because of the large imagery placed in the middle, it will also draw in younger audiences.
 I like how they have colour coordinated this leaflet, it makes it easy to look at and when there is a lot of information on a page you don't want tonnes of different colours not linking everywhere because it is not at all pleasing to the eye. I also like how they have put bubbles of colour around the images, this makes them stand out and makes it a bit more fun to look at, if say a younger child picked it up.
 This would be my favourite design for a leaflet, i like how they have used white against black, even though it makes the leaflet dark, this portrays the fact that they are talking about a dark subject. If i was to change this leaflet, i would change the text on the front cover as i think the type isn't evenly spaced and it is quite hard to look at.
 I'm not keen on this leaflet, i don't like how a block colour has been used for the back page, however i do like how the front covers have a large image that bleeds off of the page. If i was to change this, i would either make the picture bleed onto the back cover, or i would change the colours of the back cover to a softer colour.
 I really like this leaflet because of the choice of colour, they have used a nice orange to reflect the tiger's colouring and they have followed this on throughout the leaflet. I also like how on the front cover they have made the writing vertical and overlapped the text, this gives it depth and makes the cover more interesting to look at. I also like how they have bled the imagery off of the page and inside the leaflet they have another image with text nicely centred around it.
 This leaflet is very simple and formal. There is a lot of information, however i like how they have used a whole page to fill with images, i may consider using this method.

 I really like this leaflet's cover as the whole of the image covers the page, this would definitely make me pick it up to look at it as i love imagery that bleeds off and covers a front cover.
I don't really like this leaflet, so many different colours have been used it makes it quite difficult to focus on and your eye gets drawn to different parts. However, they have still managed to use a good amount of white space and centred the text accordingly.

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