Tuesday 14 January 2014

Endangered species campaigns.

This campaign poster is really eye-catching because of the needle, it then draws your eye down to the teddy bear and would usually bring a shocked/confused feeling to people. Why has this been done? It makes you want to read the text that has been placed at the bottom to find out what they are advertising and why they have used such a graphic real-life image.
This poster is very eye-catching because of the vast amount of colour and edited images placed ontop of each other. It has a lot going on and also has quite a bit of information also put on the page. If i were to re-design this, i think i would take out the animals in the background and leave the single image of death Vader holding the sheep which would give more white space and more space to leave the writing, therefore it would be easy to see if you were quickly driving/walking past and would make more people read the typography and not just looking at the image.
This campaign was for the march of the elephants, trying to stop the extinction of this species as they are hunted for their ivory. This poster is very powerful due to the blood splattered across the page and the gun target on the elephant. I think this puts the message across well, i like how the elephants have been made into silhouettes as this makes me think of souls, which makes it seem like the animals have souls as well as the human.
This campaign poster is strong and eye-catching because of the bold red strip behind the white text. This makes the text stand out and the red gives off a warning signal, making it look as though the poster is important and the writing is the most important part so it has been highlighted.
This campaign is immediately eye-catching due to the fact that the text has been put into 3 different colours, this means that even though the red text isn't at the top, it still gives it hierarchy. Also, the image of the wolf looks like it is sad, this portrays the fact that they are being poached and that the animal has feelings, a lot of campaigns use this feeling of showing how animals have feelings.
I think the campaign poster is quite clever because of the slogan 'Preserve your world, preserve yourself.' and the background has been made to look like a face, this involves the words. The typography has been made to look quite nature friendly. If i were to change this i would move the slogan as it looks like it has been randomly placed.
I really like this campaign poster, like the last one it has used the slogan to create the image. 'Give a hand to wildlife' they have used a hand painted to look like an animal to put this across. I really like this type of advertising, it is eye-catching and makes you want to research further into what the campaign is about.
I like this poster because it connects with the audience by asking you a question-who would you rather see live? I like how they have changed the rather to RAT and HER, i think this is a great eye-catching piece of design and it really makes the audience think and draws them in.

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