Wednesday 27 November 2013

80's day!

We decided to do an 80's day to give us a better view about the project we were starting. During the day we played lot's of 80's music and wore 80's clothes. We also did a catwalk as we were all dressed up, we painted these boards in 80's style to give us a better perpesctive on what the 80's were like! We used these boards to put beside/at the end of the catwalk to give it a good 80's vibe and make it exciting.
I thought the 80's day was a great idea, it opened my eyes to what the 80's was like, what they listened to, wore and what the design was like. I think everyone enjoyed it because it was a really interactive way of researching what the 80's were like, so that we had a better outlook for the project.

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